Is your child's eyesight getting worse?

Unfortunately, they are not alone.

Progressive myopia, increasing short-sightedness, is the most common sight defect in the world. According to a study, half the world's population will be short-sighted by 2050.

Severe consequences!

Greater myopia results in problems in everyday life. It is a considerable risk factor for later pathological diseases and visual impairments.

How about slowing down the process?

Do not simply accept that your child needs stronger glasses every year! Your child will always stay short-sighted, but the process can be slowed down.

Positive results

  • Worldwide studies and work show positive results with various therapeutic options.

  • The goal is to slow the progression of short-sightedness by 50%.

  • Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen is doing everything it can to achieve this goal.

Estimated increase in myopia:


Europe: 47.2% myopic at the age of 25–30

If the proportion of the myopic population in Europe in 2008 was still about 20% to 30%, today already 47.2% of the population aged 25 to 30 are myopic (Williams et al., 2015). This increase in myopia is the result of an increase in the length of the eye during adolescence. In global terms, approx. 33% of the world's population are already myopic. According to the latest studies (Holden BA, 2016), this proportion could rise drastically by 2050.






No more glasses.
No more short-sightedness.

Solution 1:
Ortho-K lenses

Your child wears the dimensionally stable Ortho-K lenses from Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen during the night. These lenses ensure that the radii of the cornea are shaped in a targeted manner - thus reducing or correcting short-sightedness. And all this while your child is sleeping. Orthokeratology is a worldwide successfully deployed option, which slows down the progress of myopia. It does have certain limitations, however, as it is not suitable for all corrections and cornea conditions. Slowing of the myopia progression regarding the type of correction (Myopia Pro le Pty Ltd., 2017):

Correction slowdown

normal glasses and contact lenses 0–5% progressive / bifocal glasses 12–55% Myovision (special glasses) 0–30% multi-focal, soft contact lenses 29–45% orthokeratology 32–100% Atropine 30–77%

Solution 2:
proASSIST lens

You don't want your child to wear contact lenses during the night? proASSIST is the solution. proASSIST-Design custom daily-wear contact lenses are available as both soft and rigid lenses.

There are three reasons for this

  • Progressive myopia is a condition in which the axial length of the eye increases. proASSIST helps to curb this length growth.
  • Moreover, the proASSIST-Design contact lenses achieve the same visual effects as Ortho-K lenses.
  • We therefore recommend them for optimal results for those suffering from progressive myopia. 

No more glasses, no more short-sightedness: If you only consider the optical intervention strategies, Ortho-K contact lenses show the highest success rate for slowing down the progression of myopia.


You can find more information about the proASSIST lenses in our end-consumer flyer:

Appenzeller contact lenses are exclusively available from your optician and ophthalmologist. For good reasons: They know exactly what kind of contact lenses are right for you and your eyes. Are Appenzeller contact lenses new to you?

Seven good reasons to get to know us:


Aus dem Herzen des Appenzellerlands in die Welt.

  • 1

    Adaptation success

    We do everything to understand your wishes and ideas to ensure your adaptation is a complete success.

  • 2

    Technical lead

    We go to great lengths in research and development to ensure that our contact lenses are always state of the art.

  • 3

    Swiss made

    We set the highest standards of quality for our production to ensure that our lenses meet your equally high expectations of Swiss made products.

  • 4


    We focus on permanent progress to ensure that upon every reorder, precisely the same lens as before is delivered.

  • 5

    Open ears

    Our specialist dealers will provide you with expert, personal and patient advice. For answers to every question – and to make sure you get the right contact lenses every time.

  • 6


    We make every contact lens on order specially for you to ensure they meet your needs 100%.

  • 7

    Long-term optical system

    Our aim is a long-term business relationship with you to ensure in turn that you can rely on us long-term.

Are you interested in our proASSIST ?

Look for our specialist dealers near you:

Is there no specialist dealer near you?

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Our recommendation for caring for proASSIST lenses – find out more from your optician or ophthalmologist:

Registration as authorised specialist dealer for the proASSIST lens:

proASSIST lens from Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen

Care products from Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen



Appenzeller Kontaktlinsen AG
Hauptstrasse 22
9042 Speicher
+41 71 344 20 00

Technische Umsetzung

schwups GmbH
Hauptstrasse 33
9424 Rheineck

Konzept / Design

Studio Silvio Seiler
Speicherstrasse 5
9053 Teufen

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